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More recent news has been published on the LFHC FaceBook page
24th January 2012
A nationwide campaign promoting tenants controlling their own housing and the opportunities council and social housing tenants have to make this a reality was launched today. This campaign will be running through 2012, the International Year of Co-operatives, and aims to contact one thousand different communities and explain the options available to residents who wish to be more involved in their communities and, specifically, in managing their homes.
The campaign website is
11th December 2011
NFTMO will be holding a conference in London on 15th February at the Danubius Hotel in Regents Park. More information when it becomes available.
4th December 2011
In a recent Supreme Court Case referred to as Berrisford v Mexfield Co-op, the court was asked to clarify whether the protection in Ms Berrisford's 'tenancy' was enforceable, or whether it was a simple periodic tenancy that Mexfield could end any time they felt like it. It seems to have become an argument about points of law that noblody ever intended and the decision was that the only type of tenancy that matched the situation was a ninety year lease. Basically it seems a very bad decision, made to protect an ancient principle that tenancies cannot be for 'term uncertain', which is a completely obsolete consideration, if it ever had a sensible raison detre to begin with.
A number of organisations are pooling their legal advice to decide how this will affect fully mutual housing co-ops that provide their own properties under their own tenancies.
27 September 2011
We've just had some information from the NHF on a campaign they are running to highlight the likely effects of the benefit changes proposed.
Welfare Action Week is a national week of action beginning on 10 October 2011. Run by the National Housing Federation, it will highlight the harsh reality of the Government's welfare changes and campaign against them.
"We believe that the Government's proposals on housing benefit will push thousands of people living in social housing into hardship or out of their homes.
"We want housing associations, your staff and tenants to raise their concerns directly with local politicians and the media.
"Our new campaign pack contains actions and ideas that will help you to shout about the unfairness of these proposals and the impact that they will have on your tenants.
"Housing associations must register to access our action pack. The process is easy. Our pack contains briefings and suggestions for campaigning, as well as information for tenants.
"Feel free to be creative during this week of action and let us know your plans. We will showcase the best photos and media coverage through our websites and social media.
Find out more about Welfare Action Week:
Register for your action pack:
26th September 2011
The Government is consulting on whether to make squatting illegal in any property. There has been a lot of frankly rubbish in the press about people coming home and finding their 'homes' squatted and scaremongering. If it is your home, then you can throw people out, and ask the police for help with that, but this message is not being passed on.
A joint letter from leading academics has been sent, asking the government to correct this misleading information, which can be read at
If you want to read a well informed legal commentary on this, look at:
5th September 2011
This Thursday we will be meeting with LSVC and other not-for-profit London-based groups to put forward a bid to the Lottery Fund to support small organisations working together. The key issue for us is not to gain financing for our operations - Co-ops are able to finance themselves - but working with other community based groups IS an important aspect of co-operation.
3 August 2011
The latest news from the National Housing Federation
Federation win saves members millions of pounds, and HCA contract amended
The Federation has successfully persuaded HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to drop its proposal to seek to include VAT on professional services in design and build contracts.
The announcement will save housing associations £108m over the course of the current development programme, which runs to the end of March 2015.
The Federation can also announce today that it has successfully persuaded the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) to amend the new investment framework development contract, helping to meet a number of concerns about the contract that has been raised by members.
On the win on VAT, the Federation has been thanked by HMRC for the information it provided in support of its stance, which enabled HMRC to make its decision.